Young artist from León, Guanajuato wins important theater award

GUANAJUATO, Gto. – Roberto Mosqueda, scryptwriter and actor from León, Guanajuato, won the “Muestra Estatal de Teatro” (State Theatre Exhibit), and the opportunity to represent his state on a tour across eight states next October.

On Aug. 15, at the “Teatro Cervantes”, Roberto made the feature presentation of his work ‘Not about Discrimination‘ (No es Sobre Discriminación) written by himself.

On an interview with Periodico Correo, the screenwriter said: “discrimination is a daily practice in Mexico, which sometimes is not perceived, but at some point we have caused or received it, and this situation doesn’t let Mexico develop an efficient justice for everyone.”

His award winning play will be presented next month in Aguascalientes, Colima, Jalisco, Michoacan, Nayarit, Queretaro, Zacatecas and San Luis Potosi.

When asked about his success, the artist says he considers that his work was accomplished “with the help of many passionate people from León, because the people of León have managed to integrate an important theatrical movement with independent groups that help us mutually.”


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