With vocals by soprano Barbara Padilla, the groups offered those gathered on the Alhondiga de Granaditas Esplanade a handful of well-known songs that had the audience singing along.

After a prelude by the orchestra directed by Enrique Radillo, Padilla came onstage to sing “Ya Lo Se que Tu Te Vas” and “Jurame“, backed by both band and orchestra.

Then, the mariachis took center stage, performing the popular “El Son de la Negra,” again backed by Padilla.

(Image: Facebook)

The soprano sang “México Lindo y Querido” and “Bésame Mucho” by Consuelo Velazquez, another famed Jalisco native, who will receive a tribute during the festival along with several other artists.

After singing “Amor Eterno,” Padilla dedicated the emotional tune to Mexican singer Juan Gabriel, who died last August.

“You were the greatest, maestro, thank you,” said the soprano, who specializes in “classical crossover” genre, which combines opera with pop music.

As the gala was coming to an end, Padilla, chanted “Granada,” and the all-time hit “Guadalajara,” while the orchestra and the mariachi band joined in Agustin Lara medleys.

Fireworks announced the first notes of “Ay Jalisco, No Te Rajes,” and the gala was wrapped up with “Camino de Guanajuato,” with a huge applause from the audience.

Jalisco will also play an important part in other activities during the Cervantino Festival with performances by the Huichol Indian group “El Venado Azul” and the “Jalisco Ballet”.

Writer Juan Jose Arreola will also receive a tribute with a multidisciplinary interpretation of his literary work “Bestiario.”

The festival will continue until Oct. 23 with a program that this year includes more than 700 activities, featuring music, visual arts, theater and literature by 3,500 different artists from 38 countries.

Source: EFE/ http://latino.foxnews.com/