Fostering awareness about the obstacles and problems that the indigenous communities face all
over the world when it comes to make good on their rights is the objective of the International Day of Indigenous peoples by the United Nations Organizations, as well as to build sensibility among the world’s population towards the diversity of autochthonous cultures and all the problems these communities face.
Also called Native Peoples, they have searched for years their identity recognition, respect to their way of life and their right over their territory and natural resources, but all through History, their rights have been violated systematically.
Indigenous peoples represent one of the most vulnerable sectors of population and the international community has recognized that there is a lack of special measures to protect their rights and maintain their cultural diversity, traditions and ways of life.
The vindicating struggle of the original peoples achieved to be pictured in the Indigenous Peoples Rights Declaration which will be ten years old as of next September 13, that is the reason why from today to that date Twitter social network will have an active special “emoji” which will appear every time the label or hashtag #WeAreIndigenous and #IndigenousPeoples.
About 370 million people belong to original peoples which adds up to a tad more than 5% of the world’s population and they represent 15% of the poorest people the UN estimates that there are 5 thousand indigenous groups in 90 countries and they speak an overwhelming majority of the 7 thousand languages that exist in the world today.