Diego Sinhué Rodríguez to become next governor of Guanajuato

Diego Sinhué Rodríguez Vallejo, candidate of the Por Guanajuato al Frente coalition (PAN, PRD, MC) is ahead in the preliminar results.

In second place is Ricardo Sheffield Padilla, candidate of the coalition Juntos Haremos Historia (Morena, PT, PES); in third place comes Gerardo Sánchez García of the PRI; fourth is Felipe Arturo Camarena García of the Partido Verde; and in fifth place comes María Bertha Solórzano, candidate of the PANAL politcal party.

The electoral day went through without any violent incidents in Guanajuato.

After the first results were announced, Diego Sinhué Rodríguez celebrated and said: “the PAN maintains its hierarchy in the state, it is a great pride, we are happy that the people have decided that “Por Guanajuato al Frente” is the best option, we have a great commitment to fulfill. ”

Diego Sinhué Rodríguez stated that he plans to include proposals from his adversaries, because many of these are good for Guanajuato and added that he will work to boost tourism and improve the economy in the state.

Diego Sinhué Rodríguez (Photo: Forbes.com)

SMT Newsroom with information from cronica.com.mx/

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