Municipal government grants recognition to SMA’s top students

570 San Miguel students received a Tablet from Mayor Luis Alberto Villarreal. They are the pupils with the best average and the idea is to deliver 1,200 tablets as part of the municipal government education support programs.

“Through education and culture is how we can build the Mexico that Ignacio de Allende and all of our heroes dreamed of, we will all work together to make it a reality,” said municipal president Luis Alberto Villarreal to the mothers and fathers of 570 students with the best average.

The 1,200 electronic tablets were distributed by schools; this time there were two events, one at the Gabriela Mistral primary school and the other at the General Miguel Alemán in the community of Cerritos. Two more events will take place to deliver all the electronic devices.

The beneficiaries are fifth, sixth grade and high schoo students.

In both events, Mayor Villarreal Garcia called for moms and dads to become aware of the responsibility they share with school teachers in the education of their children. “Bringing them to school does not end our responsibility, it is in the house where we learn the family values, to become good men and women, it is in the bosom of the family where we build a better society,” the mayor said.

SMA students get tablets for their good grades (Photo:

The delegate of the Secretary of Education in the State, Region I North, Montserrat Bataller, thanked for this recognition to the talent, effort and dedication of the students of San Miguel de Allende, and recognized the municipal government for this incentive.

Rosario Licea, head of the Directorate of Citizen Services, stressed that these actions contribute to the development of the muncipality, and the aspirations of the students, regardless of where they live. “Technological tools are a means to achieve that all people, have the same educational and cultural development”, she concluded.

SMT Newsroom with information from

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