Home Headlines Presentation: The European Union After Brexit

Presentation: The European Union After Brexit

by sanmigueltimes
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The word Brexit hit our lexicon about three years ago when, following a referendum, nearly 52% percent UK voters supported leaving the EU.  This started a two-year process which was due to conclude with the UK’s exit on March 29th of this year.  That date has come and gone and now it appears a new deadline is set for the end of June. 

While European leaders continue to grapple with the effects of  Brexit, the Mid Day Club of San Miguel de Allende will present unique insight at our regular meeting, this Tuesday at 9:30.  Our guest speaker is Copenhagen resident Iben Tybjaerg Schacke Barfoed,  Ms. Schacke-Barfoed is Danish Parliament Secretary to the European Affairs Committee.  The talk will center on the immediate consequences for both the UK and the EU of Brexit, and an analysis of the potential long term consequences for the EU and its place on the global stage, including the relationship with the United States.

Iben Tybjaerg Schacke Barfoed holds a Masters in Political Science from the University of Copenhagen.  Her experience includes Assistant to Danish MEP Bertel Haarder, European Parliament 1999-2001. Researcher in EU Affairs at the Danish Institute for International Studies 2002-2003. Program Coordinator for EU studies at DIS Study Abroad 2002-2007. Danish Parliament since 2007 as EU Adviser and Clerk to the European Affairs Committee. 2017-2018 Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs EU department.

Find out how Brexit may affect you.  Join us for this most insightful and unique presentation, Tuesday, April 23rd.  We’re located at Cafeteria San Miguel Essen, next to the yellow caboose on Sterling Dickenson.  Doors open at 9 AM with an optional breakfast for $100 pesos per person. 

The presentation will begin at 9:30 and is free.

Date, time: Tuesday, April 23rd, 9:00 AM

Where: San Miguel Essen

Address: Stirling Dickinson

Cost: Free/Breakfast 100 pesos

By Skip Essick

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