In every generation there are games kids and teens delve in. For the most part they are silly and innocent but some can turn dangerous causing injuries or even death. Pranks like choking and causing the person to pass out, holding on to a moving car while on a skateboard or rollerblades, inhaling glue or compressed gas, are just some of the risks kids have taken as just being fun.
Many parents are unaware of their kids participating in these dangerous diversions until it’s too late. And now, new “game” has surfaced, making headlines in Spain for its dangers and risks. They are calling the “alphabet” or the “devil’s alphabet.”
What is alarming about it is that it’s not taking place among teens but rather elementary school aged students.
The premise of the “game” is to have the child recite the alphabet.
He or she has to say a word with the letter. For example, a for apple, b for bus, c for car, and so on.
As the child pronounces the letter and word, another child will dig their nails in their hands.
As the kid moves further in the alphabet, the deeper the cut is.
When using their nails is not enough kids resort to using scissors, blades, and needles.
Each cut is anywhere from three to five centimetres.
The game came to light when a woman in Asturias, Spain took to Facebook to warn parents. She shares the story of her friend who wanted to remain anonymous.

In Asturias, 40 cases of children injured in hands and wrists were recently detected.
Although the problem is now concentrated in Europe, the game is also popular in Mexico. This trend is now spreading among Mexican children too.
The following photograph was posted to the Facebook account of the Association Against School Harassment (ACAE), after the mother of an eight-year-old boy noticed that his son had injuries on both his hands.
