It is estimated that 17% of the resident population in San Miguel de Allende is of foreign origin. It is a cosmopolitan city enriched by 15 thousand foreigners of at least 54 different nationalities, most of them American and Canadian elderly, mostly retired, who are attracted by the idea of spending their last years in the third best city in the world, according to Travel & Leisure magazine.
“Practically from all over the world people come to San Miguel de Allende, not just to visit, but many of them already have a residence in San Miguel,” explained Jesús Gonzalo González, SMA government secretary.
Fortunately, none of them have contracted COVID-19 so far, but they found it necessary to decide to spend confinement at their residence in the city of Guanajuato, or in some cases, to return to their countries of origin.
“All the people who have been infected have been Mexican people and even the majority of the infections have been of community transmission, that is to say, that they have been infected by the virus inside San Miguel de Allende,” said González.
“Of course, in case any foreigner is diagnosed with COVID-19, he/she will be attended in the public institutions of the municipality, with the same quality and warmth as any Guanajuato citizen”, the secretary said.
As part of the security protocols and due to the great international mobility of the territory, which has even led to reconsidering the economic reactivation, anyone who comes from abroad must spend a period of at least 15 days of voluntary confinement as a precautionary measure.
“This is what we are asking from people who come from abroad as they arrive in San Miguel de Allende,” Jesús Gonzalo González said.
San Miguel Times Newsroom