San Miguel de Allende, in addition to being a tourist destination, is one of the municipalities with the lowest rate of spread of Covid-19
Since the beginning of the contingency , San Miguel de Allende anticipated measures of prevention, care and containment of the Covid-19 . Actions that position it as an Exemplary Destination endorsed by the World Travel and Tourism Council . The municipal government implemented 80 actions that allow the tourist destination to maintain the lowest rate of infections at the state level .
– March 13 began weekly meetings with representatives of the economic, social, public and privatesectors.
-20 March 20 issued measures of prevention, containment and attention against COVID-19 .

-25 March , leaving the spaces public 70 staff members who joined the “Army Sanitization ”
April -1 , signing of a collaboration agreement with all transport permit holders to comply with hygiene protocols within their units .
April 4 , disable the use of benches in public spaces , squares and the Historic Center; trams and shuttles (tourist transport) are suspended.
-April 8 , closure of viewpoints of the Manuel Zavala Zavala Bypass and Salida Real a Querétaro, as well as public access to the Allende Dam.
-April 10 , through the loudspeaker of the Social Proximity Units of the Municipal Police Station they invite the population to stay at home, respect a healthy distance and maintain hand hygiene .
-April 17 , the “Guardians of healthy distance” begin activities to make the population aware of respecting this measure.
-April 17 , meeting of the mayor with representatives of 9 banking institutions.
-April 22 , the president announces the program to support the contingency in favor of the health and economy of San Miguel residents “Here we are with the people”, with a bag of 30 million pesos .
-April 30 , the plenary session of the City Council approves the “Municipal Band” that requires the use of mouth covers in SMA.
May 1 , the Municipal Bando enters into force.
-May 14 , Municipal President delivers first contingency support . Here we are!
-May 14 , Transport inspectors give mouth covers to public transport passengers.
-May 20 , the City Council approves General Health and Safety Measures for the Reactivation of Establishments and the Protocol for the Sanitary Filters entering the Municipality.
-May 23 , awareness operations begin in establishments.
-May 24 , the Ministry of Public Security reinforced prevention measures in the highway limits of the Los Rodríguez community .
– Protocol for restaurants
– Protocol for markets
– Protocol for road filters at the entrances to SMA.
-May 29 , the Ministry of Public Security anticipates the installation of sanitary filters at the entrances to San Miguel de Allende , through Celaya and Querétaro.
-May 29 , increase sanitary measures in SMA in squares and complete public spaces .

June 1 , begins the economic reactivation, Phase 0. It is mandatory to have the “Health First” certificate.
June 1 , visit to the first certified establishments El Fogón, Los Milagros, lady with a “cart” in Jardín Principal and Margarita Gralia’s churros.
June -2 , in a historical event, they officially announce the cancellation of the traditional crazy parade and celebration of San Antonio de Padua.
-5 June , the Municipal President holds a meeting with Father Antonio from the Parish of San Antonio de Padua and representatives of the crazy cadres to reiterate the suspension of the crazy party.
-June 10 , the Municipal President endorses his accompaniment to the hotel sector to access state support through the Guanajuato Funds.
-June 11 , they announce the placement of sanitizing arches in the historic center and access to public markets .
-June 15 , supervision continues to urban and suburban public transport operators to verify that they use the mask.
-June 19 , the president holds a meeting with representatives of the hotel sector, heads of the Secretary of Tourism and the Secretary of State Health to analyze the reactivation of tourism in San Miguel de Allende .
-June 24 , the municipal president endorses the accompaniment of the merchants of the municipal tianguis to establish agreements that result in the gradual and safe reactivation of their activities.
-June 29 , through an official statement, Mayor Luis Alberto Villarreal summons Sanmiguelenses to be firm and disciplined in the face of the increase in positive cases of coronavirus in the municipality.
-June 29 , the City Council approves the Protocols for the Reopening of Hotels in the municipality, they will only incorporate 40% of the establishment’s capacity as of July 15.
-July 3 , government reinforces sanitation with fogging of public buildings , urban transport units and markets with sanitizing dry mist.
-July 3 , again the president holds a meeting with business leaders of the municipal tianguis. They endorse solidarity work to keep their colleagues and clients safe.
-7 July , customers and merchants of the Municipal Tianguis committed to a safe and responsible reactivation; most attend the use of face masks.
-July 9 , they announce suspension of the festivity of the Patron Saint Jesus Nazareno of the Sanctuary of Atotonilco .

-July 10 , fogging of public buildings begins with the Ignacio Ramírez market, reinforces prevention and containment actions against covid-19 .
-July 11 , reiterate the mandatory use of face masks in the municipality and the importance of not relaxing prevention measures .
-July 12 , Civil Protection redoubles its efforts to monitor compliance with prevention measures in hotels in the municipality.
-July 14 , the municipal president provides financial support to 30 tourist guides and 220 taxi drivers who are beneficiaries of the program Here we are!
-July 15 , the reactivation of hotels begins with 80 certified establishments, they can only operate at 40% of their capacity.
-July 16 , sanitary filters are reinforced before the reopening of hotels; The SSP works with a binomial unit and distributes face masks on public transport.
-July 17 , sanitizing arches are installed in the Historic Center as a measure to reinforce the containment of Covid-19 .
-July 19 , the first weekend after the reactivation of hotels, they call on the public about the importance of acting responsibly to keep SMA as a safe destination.
-July 21 , with the start of the vehicular review of public transport, the Sanitation Army reinforces its actions in each unit. They are 207 for review.
-July 22 , the City Council approves the Guidelines for the Operation of Organization of Weddings, Social Events and Conventions and for the Operation of the Venues where they take place ; They will be able to resume activities with a maximum of 60 people between attendees and staff from August 27 .
-28 July , the company donated 10,000 Commercial Ecodeli cubrebocas the SSP to reinforce the measures of prevention, care and containment against Covid-19 before the gradual increase in visitors to the city.
-July 28 , the municipal president meets with the health sector and identifies colonies at risk for Covid-19 with the aim of informing citizens so that they comply with preventive measures .
-July 29 , they announce that entry to SMA requires a duly certified hotel and / or restaurant reservation.
-July 30 , the first 120 temporary workers (out of 457 registered), take the course “Preparation of waiters for Covid-19 , for a good return”.
-July 31 , 119 public transport drivers were sanctioned for not complying with the mandatory use of face masks and driving with excess capacity.
August 2 , elements of the Ministry of Public Security and university volunteers from the Tourist Council reinforce the delivery of mouth covers to citizens.
-August 5 , the municipal president announces that, “before advancing to the orange traffic light, we will establish, together with the economic sectors, the measures and protocols that allow us to advance in an orderly and safe manner.”
-5 August , notices placed covid prevention in high – risk areas.
-August 5 , Official statement on the restart of some economic activities as of August 12.
-August 6 , begins the delivery of credentials to temporary workers who took the course “Preparation of waiters for COVID-19 , for a good return.” 419 were certified.
-August 6 , in a videoconference with the Secretary of Health of the State of Guanajuato, the municipal president reiterates that in SMA they will not restart activities marked at the state traffic light (orange).
-August 8 , the municipal president supervises the use of face masks in San Miguel de Allende .
-August 10 , in a personal way, the mayor informed the business leaders about the proposal to the City Council of the Protocols for the Reopening of Productive Activities in the municipality.
-August 10 , in ordinary LIX session, the City Council approves the Protocols for the Reopening of Productive Activities.
-August 11 , the municipal president meets with gym owners to announce that they will be able to open at 30% with strict protocols and that they have their “Health First” certification.
-August 13 , fogging of public buildings continues , this time it was the Municipal DIF and the administrative building.
-August 15 , tourists recognize San Miguel de Allende as a national example for prevention measures against Covid-19 .
-August 15 , the Transport Directorate sanctioned 165 public transport drivers during the first fortnight of this month for not wearing face masks and overcrowding the units.
-August 15 , following the fogging of public buildings , the Command, Control, Communications and Computing Center (C4) joins this action to sanitize its facilities.
-August 16 , with the commitment to reactivate the local economy in a safe way, the fogging of public markets such as San Juan de Dios, Mercado Ignacio Ramírez and Plaza San Miguel continues.
-August 19 , the municipal government together with the private initiative promote the call, Put it on Now! Iconic sculptures such as that of Generalissimo Don Ignacio Allende and 9 other historical figures “wake up” with masks to raise awareness about their mandatory use.
-August 21 , Civil Protection signs an agreement with the dean of San Miguel de Allende for the reopening of Catholic churches, establishing that the return will be on August 23 with strict prevention measures .
-August 23 , the Information Brigade of the Tourist Council and the Agents of Change reinforce the delivery of face masks and antibacterial gel to the public. The invitation of #UsaCubrebocas # PónteloYa, intensifies in the first painting of the city.
-August 24 , the City Council approves that all establishments with a reservation system generate a QR code for their customers, so that their arrival in the city is justified. They announce modifications of the Guidelines for the Organization of Weddings, Social Events and Conventions and for the Operation of the Venues where they are carried out, in order to reinforce the measures for a safe reactivation.
-August 25 , the State Government granted 235 loans to micro, small and medium entrepreneurs of San Miguel through Guanajuato Funds. It represents a resource of almost 60 million pesos and 2,500 jobs rescued.
-August 27 , the municipal president meets with representatives of the municipal soccer leagues, they agree that it is still difficult to establish a return date, so while they will work on the creation of protocols .
-August 30 , they mist the Municipal Palace as a complement to the actions carried out in public buildings .
-August 30 , the economic reactivation is underway, increasing the presence of visitors with a record of 26.34 percent in hotel occupancy.
-August 31 , the municipal president Luis Alberto Villarreal García together with the governor Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo describe the economic reactivation for one thousand 350 million pesos in San Miguel de Allende , with the program Here, we are standing !.
“Here, we are standing, Economic Reactivation Program”; These are actions achieved with a record investment of approximately 1,350 million pesos, which jointly and permanently started the municipal and state governments as a breath of hope for the residents of San Miguel in the face of the Covid-19 contingency .

The municipal president, Luis Alberto Villarreal García and the governor Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo set a precedent in the social and economic history of Guanajuato; Together they detailed, from the Angela Peralta theater, each solidarity and committed action for the people of San Miguel.
Mayor Villarreal Garcia positioned that, in advance, his government set the tone in the measures of prevention, care and containment of the Covid-19 ; allowing until now San Miguel de Allende is maintained as a state, national and international reference for its protocols of hygiene . This positions it as a safe and exemplary destination.
“You are women and men who transformed their fears into hope, they decided to walk with us and all together we are demonstrating that here we are standing! We are much bigger than this pandemic, we are a lot of pieces, a lot of people,” the Mayor referred to the sanmiguelenses.
With information from:
Source: San Miguel Post