San José Iturbide, Guanajuato.- 21 members of the specialist brigade of the Civil Protection Directorate of the municipality of San Miguel de Allende arrived in San Jose in order to support the work to combat the fire that has been devastating forest in Cerro del Aguila for 4 straight days.
This brigade will join forces with special brigades made up of personnel from the State Civil Protection, elements of the Secretary of National Defense (SEDENA), the National Forestry Commission (Conafor), and volunteer firefighters from this municipality.
In order to fully suppress the forest fire registered in the Cerro del Águila located between the communities of La Torna and Rincón de Santa Anita, which so far has consumed dozens of hectares of vegetation.
Therefore, the support of the general public has been requested to obtain supplies such as bottled water, energy drinks , canned food, among others, for the brigades that fight the forest fire.

Placing different points for the collection of food located in Prolongación Rayón Colonia Nicolás Campa, Calle Begoña in the neighborhood Peña Taurina, and Carnicería Rivera, highlighting even the support of the municipal government of Tierra Blanca to carry out the collection of groceries in this municipality.
It is worth mentioning that the forest fire, according to the inhabitants of the municipality, started last Tuesday afternoon, the flames suffocating by themselves, however, in the face of the strong winds registered on Wednesday, the flares were revived.