San Miguel de Allende.- After the increase in infections by Covid-19 in the country and the return to yellow on the epidemiological traffic light in Guanajuato, municipal authorities and the health sector established new measures in the municipality of SMA.
Hotels will be able to operate at 75% of their capacity and must maintain, at all times, sanitary protocols to prevent infections. In restaurants and restaurant-bars, the allowed capacity will be 60%, as long as the measures of healthy distance between each table are maintained. These businesses will have to be vacated and closed at 12:00 am (midnight).

Regarding weddings, social events, and conventions, they may have a capacity of up to 120 people in closed spaces and 200 in open spaces, including attendees and staff; the establishments where these activities are carried out will have to be vacated and closed at 01:00 am.
The national and patron saint festivities will be held only with the organizers and participants without a public call to avoid crowds; however, they will be broadcast virtually through digital media.
The request of the QR code to the visitors remains in force so that they justify their arrival in the city. Likewise, they must comply with the use of mouth covers in public spaces, a mandatory measure in the municipality.
For their part, the authorities of the Ministry of Health urged the population to follow this measure along with constant hand washing, use of antibacterial gel, and keep a healthy distance; even when they have already been vaccinated, since the percentage of immunized people is still low and does not guarantee, so far, collective protection.
Finally, the supervision of capacity in the different establishments will be conducted by inspectors to avoid crowds that put the health of the people of San Miguel at risk.