Surveillance reinforced due to increased violence in San Miguel de Allende 

The mayor of San Miguel de Allende acknowledged that this was an atypical week with three serious criminal acts recorded in the city.

The wave of murders that broke out in San Miguel de Allende last week will force patrols to be reinforced and controls placed at the entrances to the city, reported Mayor Mauricio Trejo Pureco.

In the last week, seven murders occurred in this World Heritage city that has 160,000 inhabitants and is the municipality with the greatest tourism potential in the state and the center of the country.

In this regard, Trejo Pureco related the recent wave of violence to drug consumption and the recent arrest of a criminal leader, which is why he announced that he will reinforce all inspection points in the city. 

He asked that an atypical week not mark “the quality of life we ​​have in our great municipality and above all that this atypical week not negatively mark the great achievements that you and I have had in terms of security.”

He referred to the murder of four people in three different events. The first was on the morning of January 23, when black bags with human remains were located outside the baseball stadium. 

That same night, a man was murdered on Guadalupe Avenue, in front of the market, in the Historic Center. 

On Thursday, two minor brothers were murdered in the Ejido de Tirado. He was 16 years old and she was just 11. 

However, last week there were three more murders; two people in the Danza alley, in the La Palmita neighborhood and one in the Allende dam curtain. 

Unprecedented violent events in San Miguel de Allende

The municipal president acknowledged that never, so far in this administration, have three criminal acts like the ones this week occurred.  

He announced that they will reinforce all accesses to San Miguel de Allende, as well as inspections of all motorcycles. 

“If you ride a motorcycle, like me, bring your identification so that, if you are subject to a search, we can do it well and identify ourselves, because safety belongs to everyone.” 

Mauricio Trejo Pureco

Homicide count for the last week in San Miguel de Allende

January 17 – Two men were murdered in De la Danza alley, in the Palmita neighborhood, in a direct attack

Attack in Palmita de Landeta in San Miguel de Allende leaves one man dead and another injured

January 19 – A lifeless man was located on the side of the road that crosses the wall of the Allende dam. He had visible signs of violence.

Body with traces of violence discovered in San Miguel de Allende

January 23 – Bags with human remains were abandoned outside the baseball stadium, on Las Américas Avenue, in the Ignacio Ramírez subdivision, a busy area.

They leave bags with human remains in front of the San Miguel baseball stadium

A man was murdered on Guadalupe Avenue, right in front of the market, a busy road in the heart of the city.

January 25 – Two minors – brothers – were murdered in the Ejido de Tirado when they were in a place that they intended to convert into a barbershop. He was 16 and she was just 11 years old.

San Miguel Times

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