María del Socorro from San Miguel is 101 years old

María del Socorro from San Miguel de Allende is 101 years old, has more than 200 grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato.- María del Socorro Jiménez Gallegos had 11 children, of which 5 survive her. The woman from San Miguel turned 101 years old and was celebrated by her relatives, although she was not able to bring together all of the more than 200 grandchildren and her great-grandchildren.

Originally from the Landeta ranch, María del Socorro is lucid and according to her children, her hobby is knitting. Every morning she sings the song “La Rielera” and drinks a tequila or a mezcal every day.

This April 11, she turned 101 and for the Ortiz Jiménez family, her birthday is synonymous with reunion and celebration. From early on they gather to give thanks for the life of the matriarch with a mass and then in a room, to eat and drink together for the woman’s longevity.

San Miguel Times

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