AMLO minimizes homicide of a child in Tabasco: “The press just wants to attack me”

On Thursday, May, 23, during his morning conference, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, accused the opposition of “magnifying” the murder of a 12-year-old boy in Tabasco, the president’s home state, “to harm him.”

“It is something that occurred, unfortunately. And even if they get angry since we are in the electoral season, and do everything to harm me, especially because it is my homestate, because the corrupt are very angry, they greatly magnify everything related to violence just to attack me,” stated the Mexican president.

López Obrador regretted the fact, but criticized his opponents because “before they used to be silent like mummies, and now they shout like town criers, so we have to understand that they just want to attack me.”

AMLO declared that “basically” the attack “was towards him;” totally minimizing the tragedy of Dante Emiliano, the innocent 12-year-old that died of bullet wounds in Paraíso, Tabasco.

Lopez Obrador promised that “in any case,” the authorities will “continue with the investigations and those responsible will be punished.”

San Miguel Times

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