An unprecedented presidential debate could be taking place tonight

The confrontation in Atlanta between Joe Biden and Donald Trump Thursday night has a good chance of becoming the most fateful presidential debate in US history.

(CNN).- For the first time, a sitting president and an ex-president will lock horns before millions of viewers, in an encounter taking place far earlier than normal — even before the party conventions. The CNN-hosted showdown is the most pivotal moment yet in a neck-and-neck election, and it’s Biden’s best chance to shake up a reelection bid that he is in deep danger of losing as he struggles to convince voters that he’s delivered the political and economic normality he promised in 2020.

The debate comes at a moment when many Americans are seeking relief from high prices that have made it harder to feed their families and afford rents, mortgages, and new cars. It is unfolding amid an intense national debate over access to abortion…

CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE  by Stephen CollinsonMJ Lee and Kevin Liptak, FOR CNN

San Miguel Times

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