Claudia Sheinbaum ratifies Rogelio Ramirez de la O as Mexico’s Finance Minister

Mexican Finance Minister Rogelio Ramirez de la O accepted President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum’s invitation to stay on in the role, she said in a video shared on social media on Monday, June 3.

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said Ramirez would stay in the role for some time to ensure a smooth transition when Sheinbaum takes office in October.

“He is a man with great national and international recognition, honest, knowledgeable, professional,” Sheinbaum said in the video. “He is a great public servant who provides certainty of good financial and economic management.”

Sheinbaum, who won a landslide on Sunday, June 2nd, and will be Mexico’s first female president, is expected to inherit a complicated fiscal panorama from her predecessor, marked by a growing fiscal deficit and long-standing weaknesses in state-owned oil firm Pemex.

San Miguel Times

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