Yasuhisa Suzuki, Japan’s Consul General in León, said that: “several Japanese companies will arrive to the city of León next year; generating an economic impact of millions of dollars for the whole region”.
Suzuky also regretted the incidents in which the Japanese community was involved, and he thanked the presence of Federal law enforcement officers and the Mexican army in the state of Guanajuato.
Suzuki continued: “During the months of January and February new plants will be inaugurated, and other auto-part supplier companies will go through an expansion process. However, we reserve the name these companies”.
“At least a dozen Japanese companies are interested on establishing themselves in the state of Guanajuato,” the Consul stated.
Then he added: “we don’t have any exact information on when those companies will start operating in the Bajío region. This will be announced by the companies in a timely manner. So far there are four companies waiting to open or expand their plants between January or February 2017.”.
Regarding security, the Japanese diplomat declared: “Some incidents affected the Japanese community, however, those situations have been controled with the presence of federal agents and the Gendarmerie”.
“Two incidents occurred a couple of months ago, but fortunately, they didn’t have any serious consequences. The Police officers from Guanajuato, León, Salamanca and Celaya along with the Mexican army, have always granted our security. And besides, no insecurity issues have taken place lately, with the arrival of the Gendarmerie,” he concluded.
Source: http://www.oem.com.mx/