LEÓN, Gto .- On Wednesday August 3, 2016, the Integral Center for Social Prevention of Violence and Crime (Centro Integral de Prevención Social de la Violencia y Delincuencia) was inaugurated in San Pedro de los Hernández, León, by the Secretary of the Interior, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong, along with Governor Miguel Marquez Márquez and mayor Héctor López Santillana.
“After four months this center has not helped to improve public safety, neither has it provided any attention to children and youth, despite the authorities’ commitment to make a full ‘social recovery’ in the area,” said María Valdivia.
“In this center, no attention programs are currently being provided to society”. María Valdivia, President of the “Arboledas de San Pedro” local council, specified that the place operates only a few hours a day and sometimes it remains closed for several days.
Leon based news website Periódico Correo asked Valdivia, if the Prevention Center has been useful to society.

The Integral Center for Social Prevention of Violence and Crime in San Pedro de los Hernández, Guanajuato (Photo: Miguel Quiroz / Periódico Correo)
“It doesn’t improve the life of our community at all, because it is often closed, and they usually open late and close early,” answered Valdivia.
Other residents claim that local authorities have not kept their promise of increasing surveillance throughout the neighborhood, nor has there been any attention to assaults and quarrels that occur mostly everyday in the suroundings of this center.
They consider that the promises made by the Secretary of the Interior and the governor on the day of the inauguration were surely long forgotten.
Four months ago, during the opening ceremony of this center, authorities announced an investment of 10.1 million pesos (500,000 USD) of federal resources for its construction and operation, but according to statements made by local residents, this center has not benefited society in any way.
Source: http://periodicocorreo.com.mx/