Home Guanajuato State Guanajuato participates in “Open Government” Politics

Guanajuato participates in “Open Government” Politics

by sanmigueltimes
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GUANAJUATO, Gto. – According to a statement from the Institute for Access to Public Information (Instituto de Acceso a la Información Pública, IACIP), the state of Guanajuato is placed second on the “Open Government Index” (Índice de Gobierno abierto), nationwide.

‘Open Government’ is a novel concept that has recently been incorporated into the local and national agenda, and it has led to complement transparency with more and more citizen participation.

In 2017, during the last regular meeting of the National Transparency System, the first metric of “Open Government” was released by the Center for Research and Economic Development (CIDE), which placed Guanajuato on second place nationwide, just below Mexico City.


Guanajuato in second place nationwide in “Open Government” policies. (Periódico Correo)

Open Government Data (OGD) is a philosophy- and increasingly a set of policies – that promotes transparency, accountability and value creation by making government data available to all. Public bodies produce and commission huge quantities of data and information. (Source: www.oecd.org)

In Mexico, the ‘Open Government metrics exercise’ uses a novel methodology that allows citizens to know what their governments are doing, and also how much can this governmental activity influence the decisions they make.

The metric is designed to analyze the current situation of state governments, based in the National System for Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (Sistema de acceso a la información y protección de datos personales SNT), and the international policies of open government and proactive transparency.


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