According to Barbara Davoli, reader of The Yucatán Times, on Monday March 20th, dozens of Americans and Guanajuato residents met to celebrate the first day of spring and Benito Juárez’s birthday. Meanwhile, many Spring Breakers in Cancún, Quintana Roo have been offensive, rude and haughty towards Mexican people, chanting “Build That Wall,” as The Yucatán Times reported.
During the Guanajuato march, U.S. expats and Guanajuato citizens handed out flowers and smiley face stickers, marched around the Jardin, sang “Imagine” a few times, and chanted “Friendship with Mexico yes, the wall no!” (Amistad si, muro no).
Besides, according to, on February 14th U.S. citizens based in Guanajuato protested outside the Teatro Juárez against the wall and to express their concern for Trump’s racist and xenophobic rhetoric towards Mexican immigrants.

A small but significant group of U.S. expats and Guanajuato residents participated in a march in favor of immigrants and against the wall proposed by Donald Trump. (Photo: