The restaurant sector, which has about 500,000 establishments, will grow 6.0 percent this year, said Jose Luis Mier Díaz, the National Chamber of the Restaurant and Food Industry, Canirac, Notimex reported.
In a press conference to announce the realization of the Expo Abastur 2017, he explained that the estimated value of the industry at the end of 2015 was about 243 billion pesos, with impact in 83 percent of the branches of economic activity, which implies 1.8 percent in the national Gross Domestic Product and 13 percent in the tourism sector.
He pointed out that seven out of 10 jobs in the tourism sector are provided by restaurant establishments, and that industry is the main shaper in the sector’s labor competencies.

In turn, it is the second economic branch in employment generation and the first in self-employment, where the female gender prevails, up to 64 percent of the labor force.
In this context, the manager said that as a result of the increase in the National Consumer Price Index (INPC), so far this year the restaurant industry has increased consumer prices by 15 percent.
He assured that it was impossible for the businessmen of the sector to maintain their prices of last year due to the increase in the costs of production, for which they transfer it to the consumer.
He explained that based on data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI, for its acronym in Spanish), there are 451,854 food and beverage preparation establishments, with a staff of 1,475,981 people.
He said that 23 percent of these larger establishments sell snack foods, 22 percent tacos and sandwiches, 11 percent “comida corrida” or à la carte, and a similar percentage are concentrated in cafes and sodas.
Another 11 percent sells pizzas, hamburgers, hotdogs and roasted chickens; 8.0 percent sell fast food; 4.0 percent offer seafood, and 1.0 percent are self-service restaurants.