“The Mummies of Guanajuato will finally be legally dead by having their respective death certificates, which can be seen on one side of each of the mummified bodies exhibited both at the Guanajuato Museum of the Mummies, in the state capital, and in the community hostel Sangre de Cristo”, declared the director of this iconic museum, Paloma Robles Lacayo.
“The plates will have information related to each mummy family tree and even the place where he/she used to live, as well as additional information, and in some cases, photographs of how the individual looked in life”, Robles Lacayo said.
Another feature that will be added to the museum this year, in order to offer a better experience to the visitors, will be stereoscopic photography viewers – which is the technological predecessor of 3D, virtual and augmented reality – displaying vintage images of the city of Guanajuato and the Santa Paula Cemetery.
The director of the Mummies Museum said that remodeling works are still pending, as 37 million pesos (1.2 million USD), is the amount required for the construction of the building’s second floor.
Source: http://www.elfinanciero.com.mx/