On Wednesday April 24th, president Andrés Manuel López Obrador inaugurated the third edition of the Mexico Aerospace Fair (FAMEX 2019) at the Military Air Base of Santa Lucía with more than 600 exhibitors from more than 40 countries.
The Aerospace Mexico Fair (FAMEX), is a commercial activity in the civil, military, security and defense aeronautical fields; which purpose is to bring together the leaders of these sectors, in order to promote trade and boost the growth of the national aerospace industry in the region.
FAMEX-2019 is currently taking place (April 24 to 27), at the main Military Air Base in Mexico, located in Santa Lucia, Estado de México. A facility that has the necessary infrastructure to receive large aircraft, as well as five pavilions destined to the exhibition of products and services of the participating companies.
In addition, a Foreign Investment Seminar will be held to encourage direct foreign investment in our country, as well as academic conferences, to promote the training of personnel working in the field of aeronautics and space, through the “3rd. Aerospace Education Forum “and the 3rd. Cycle of Technical Conferences “.
With this event, Mexico’s Secretariat of National Defense, consolidates its leadership, promoting the economic development of the nation, generating jobs and attracting direct foreign investment.

Aerospace Mexico Fair (FAMEX) is an activity in the civil, commercial, military and defense aeronautical field, that seeks to bring together the leaders of the aviation industry and services worldwide, in order to favor commercial exchange and promote the growth of the aerospace sector in our country.
FAMEX-2019 Guests
SECURITY AND DEFENSE SPECIAL GUESTS: Commanders or Chiefs of National Security and Air Forces from countries in the Americas, Europe and Asia are considered within this group, as well as Military Attachees accredited in Mexico.
CIVIL SPECIAL GUESTS: Holders of the different Federal and State Government agencies, Directors of Airlines, members of the Mexican Federation Aerospace Industry, Business Groups and the Mexican Space Agency.
PROFESSIONAL DELEGATIONS: Educational institutions that lead teams of Training, Research and Development as the College of Pilots Aviators of Mexico, UNAM, IPN, Aeronautics University of Queretaro, UANL, among others.

- 605 companies in the Aeronautical sector.
More than 4,600 business meetings (B2B).
45 participating countries.
48 educational institutions.
During the last years, direct foreign investment in the aeronautical sector exceeded 1.1 billion US dollars, generating more than 50 million dollars nationally and it is estimated that by 2020 a total of 450 aerospace companies will be installed on Mexican national territory, and will require highly skilled and qualified labor.

FAMEX 2019 has the presence of Canada, as the guest of honor country. The governments of Mexico and Canada have recently signed a maintenance agreement, that will allow Mexican companies to be able to provide service to Canadian airline aircraft.
San Miguel Times Newsroom with information from https://www.f-airmexico.com.mx/