Safety in SMA:Safety is arguably the number one issue facing all residents of San Miguel de Allende. The once tranquil haven for expats has become, unfortunately, a victim of its own success. Almost every day we hear of yet another incident in which a life has been put in peril or even lost. Sometimes, but not always, the shootings are gang-related.
Safety does not always apply to violence. Our city faces other safety issues such as the quality of water and the traffic on our streets. Did you know that the water safety standards of Mexico are not as strict as international standards? Water quality is yet another safety topic about which you need to be aware.
The Rotary Club of San Miguel de Allende presents Stay Safe in San Miguel with Rotarian Nate Fultz. Nate will breakdown topics covered at Thursday’s community meeting at the Angela Perlata Theatre. He’ll focus in on how the differing colonias handle their crime prevention. An explanation of the reporting process will be provided, as well as which agencies are responsible for investigations. Nate will also discuss how colonias can organize an HOA to help with the issues. And of course, he’ll address water issues.
If you were not able to attend the April 4 safety and security meeting at the Angela Perlata Theatre – or even if you were – you’ll want to attend Stay Safe in San Miguel on Tuesday, April 16th. We’re located at Cafeteria San Miguel Essen, next to the yellow caboose on Sterling Dickenson. Doors open at 9 AM with an optional breakfast for $100 pesos per person. The presentation will begin at 9:30 and is free.
By Skip Essick
What: Presentation
Title – Stay Safe in SMA
Date, time: Tuesday, April 16th, 9:00AM
Where: San Miguel Essen
Address: Stirling Dickinson
Cost: Free/Breakfast 100 pesos
Rotary is where neighbors, friends and problem-solvers share ideas, join leaders and take action to create lasting change. For more information, contact President Ivar Schacke at [email protected]