Home Feature The best way to strengthen your immune system is to sleep more than 7 hours (specialist)

The best way to strengthen your immune system is to sleep more than 7 hours (specialist)

by sanmigueltimes
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A good night sleep strengthens the immune system, says a specialist.

San Miguel de Allende, Gto. (May 7, 2020).- To protect their immune system against the Covid-19 contagion, people should seek a restful sleep, warned the researcher of the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM), Javier Velázquez Moctezuma.

Through a statement, the specialist noted that not resting well was already a big problem in Mexico before the arrival of coronavirus, because “we have detected that a high percentage of Mexicans are in this situation.”

He assured that although Covid-19 is very contagious, it is not highly lethal, so if a person becomes ill and is not serious, their recovery will depend on their immune system, which is related, among other factors, to their rest condition.

“For this reason, it is recommended, in addition to avoiding contagion through the social distancing measures established by the health authorities, that we try to sleep more than seven hours, since this will strengthen our immune system significantly, and therefore protect us from coronavirus contagion,” the specialist said.

The expert recommends avoiding the consumption of coffee, soft drinks or other stimulating substances after eight o’clock at night, as well as not exercising when it is already dark, eating a lot for dinner, and going late to bed watching TV, since a good night sleep can save our lives in this moment.

“It is also not advisable to take the phone or the computer to bed, since these devices emit a lot of light and what the brain needs is darkness, in order to get a good night rest”, he continued.

“In addition, the fact of being exposed to a constant flow of news of all kinds on elctronic devices, affects the mental balance, especially when it comes to news on the number of deaths each day by Covid-19,” Velázquez Moctezuma concluded.

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