Said Adelaida Salas Salazar, representative of the National Citizens’ Observatory on Feminicides in Yucatan.
“The situation and actions of the authorities are outrageous, they lack professionalism in the gender perspective. The woman in Tekax is already protected, the Semujeres, the mayor of Tekax and the Prosecutor’s Office have already mobilized. Apparently she no longer has problems, she now has the protection she did not have.
Apparently she no longer has problems, she now has the protection she did not have.
Protection measures are violated and nothing happens in Yucatan.
The activist commented that the Semujeres’ legal team is not trained, that this unit does not act quickly and effectively, and if a case is not published on social networks or is not taken up by an organization, it does not act.
She even said that the secretariat pretends to follow up on the 10 recommendations of the Gender Violence Alert, but in reality it does nothing. She is amazed that Yucatan has gone from seventh to 30th place in just a few months and that the number of cases of violence against women has dropped by 57%.

She suspects that the secretariat gives false information to the national secretariat because in the statistical count of the Observatory of Feminicides they see a rise of 114.6% in the period from April 17 to May 17.
According to her, the same day that the woman reported aggression on her social networks, she went to the Prosecutor’s Office to denounce this new threat and violation of the restriction on distance, but an official recommended that she better find a safe place to hide.
This is outrageous, said the interviewee. How can a law enforcement official recommend running away, instead of arresting and jailing the abuser for not complying with the order to stay away from the victim and not assault her again?
“It is very clear that the Prosecutor’s Office has no gender perspective or professionalization. Last night (Tuesday) another woman from Valladolid spoke to me seeking support: they want to put her in prison because she is helping a woman who is a victim of family violence”.
“The man wants to divorce the person he is attacking, but for fear she took refuge with one of her acquaintances. Now her husband wants to denounce the person who is helping and protecting her because he is protecting her and her children.
In the case of the woman in Tekax, the activist said that since last Saturday they began to move the entire network to help her. Thanks to the fact that this case was made public, the secretariat intervened, an agency that has proven to do nothing in favor of the women in the entity.
Violence/ Women
Adelaida Salas says that several cases demonstrate Semujeres’ lack of interest in resolving gender-based violence.
San Miguel Times