One of the most common reasons why women visit gynecologists are menstrual disorders. The menstrual (ovarian) cycle of every woman has as its ultimate goal, the reproductive function.
There are different pathologies that can manifest with transvaginal bleeding, either in quantity and/or abnormal frequency (excessive loss of transvaginal bleeding/number of days that present), which require adequate categorization and clinical surveillance such as uterine myomatosis (benign tumors in the body of the uterus), hormonal alterations, atrophy, or even cancer of the internal part (endometrium). So we must always specify the specific etiology to offer the best treatment alternative.
Given the wide possibility of causative agents of bleeding outside the expected dates of the menstrual cycle, such as the significant increase in the amount of transvaginal blood loss, too many days of bleeding or changes in the pattern of the same, it will always be essential to study very directed to each patient to identify the particular cause and regulate the treatment criteria according to the findings. Thus avoiding the progression of certain pathologies that, if not documented in a timely manner, can have more delicate long-term consequences.

Menstrual disorders
In many cases, there is no need for women to worry about these disorders, bodies are changing from time to time. In addition to these changes, every woman’s cycle is different, what makes that a “normal cycle” for you, does not be the same for a friend, mom or sister.
There are many types of menstrual disorders such as:
- Age: usually the menstrual cycle can change over the time. After the first few years of menstruation, periods can be irregular while the hormones reach a balance.
- Medical conditions: there are two causes of irregular menstruation; polycystic ovary syndrome; a hormone imbalance that can affect ovulation; and hypothyroidism; an underactive thyroid disease usually caused by the thyroid gland that is not producing enough of its hormone.
- Pregnancy: one of the most common reasons for missing period.
- Lifestyle conditions: in case of being sure of not being pregnant, other factors that can cause an irregular period might be; eating disorders, emotional stress, excessive weight loss or gain, hormone problems, drug use, breastfeeding, medicines, increased exercise, or problems with the pelvic organs.
Treatments for menstrual disorders
Depending on the underlying cause is how the doctor will give a treatment. Some treatments include:
- Medical treatment: the use of pain relievers for cramps and hormonal contraceptives are common due to these can help to reduce heavy bleeding and regulate or remove menstrual periods.
- Dietary changes: reducing salt, sugar, alcohol and caffeine before the period might reduce cramping and other symptoms.
- Surgical treatment: there are different surgical procedures to treat menstrual disorders such as hysteroscopy, laparoscopy or procedures that include endometrial ablation.
In case of missing 3 or more periods, get the period more often than every 21 days, bleeding more heavily than usual or having an unusual pain during the period, it is important to avoid automedication and consult a specialist in the area such as a gynecologist.
We thank the collaboration of Dr. Francisco Abel Martínez Avila, obstetrician gynecologist. Graduated from La Salle University, Mexican School of Medicine where he studied his Bachelor of Surgeon from 1985 to 1990. Also graduated from the National Autonomous University of Mexico at the General Hospital “Dr. Manuel Gea González” SSA where he studied his Specialty in Gynecology and Obstetrics from 1993 to 1996.