Home Headlines With the vote of Miguel Ángel Yunes, Morena obtains the majority and approves the judicial reform

With the vote of Miguel Ángel Yunes, Morena obtains the majority and approves the judicial reform

by sanmigueltimes
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In an alternate venue after the invasion of the Senate of the Republic by protesters, amid accusations and complaints, the ruling party obtained the 86th vote and the qualified majority to approve the presidential initiative

The steamroller of Morena, PT, and PVEM, to which the Veracruz native Miguel Ángel Yunes Márquez (PAN) joined, endorsed the bill of the constitutional reform in judicial matters of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Through the fast track route and in a double session for the first reading and the complaint of the coordinator of Movimiento Ciudadano, Clemente Castañeda, for the illegal detention and judicial persecution of the government of Layda Sansores, of his colleague the senator from Campeche Daniel Barrera, who until 10:00 p.m. had not joined the plenary session because he was attending a judicial proceeding despite having immunity, the process was carried out.

Gerardo Fernández Noroña, president of the Upper House, assured that he had spoken with him and that he was fine and in Mexico City, despite the complaint from the members of Movimiento Ciudadano who requested a recess to clarify the whereabouts of Barrera, who later appeared to be able to join the ranks of the PVEM.

Later on, after 8:00 p.m., the arrest of Senator Daniel Barrera’s father and himself was confirmed, so the versions of Fernández Noroña and the coordinator of Morena, Adán Augusto López, who rejected this situation, were denied.

In the first session, Miguel Ángel Yunes Linares, father and alternate senator of Miguel Ángel Yunes Márquez, took the oath under the argument that his son would be undergoing medical treatment that prevented him from participating in the session, but he announced his support or that of his son for López Obrador’s so-called plan C.

Upon entering the Plenary Hall, accompanied by the coordinator of Morena, López Hernández, Yunes Linares heard cries of “traitor!” from the ranks of the Partido Acción Nacional (PAN).

“You are in time to be a hero and not a traitor” stressed Marko Cortés, the president of the PAN, on the platform.

Miguel Ángel Yunes Linares accused the PAN of lynching him and his son Miguel Ángel Yunes Márquez and added that he has not negotiated anything with the federal government and that no one forces them to vote for or against the judicial reform.

In the night session at the Xicoténcatl mansion, his son reappeared as a senator and on the platform gave the qualified majority to Morena and its allies by ceasing to be an opposition parliamentarian and emerging as the 86th legislator of the ruling party Morena to approve the judicial reform.

“In the most difficult decision of my life, I have decided to give my vote in favor of the ruling,” said the Veracruz native, who did not clarify the reason for his resignation from the PAN and his de facto adhesion to Morena.

On September 3rd, standing on the same platform, Yunes publicly committed to rejecting the judicial reform, and on September 10th, he justified his change of mind by explaining that he spent the last week studying the proposal.

Before, at the beginning of the night session still at the headquarters of Reforma and Insurgentes, a suspensive motion was rejected by the ruling party and when the dissenting votes were presented, more than a hundred workers of the Judicial Branch of the Federation and protesters broke into the premises, and moments later took over the Plenary Hall.

Gerardo Fernández Noroña, president of the Senate, faced with the disorder, declared a recess, while the protesters extended a large Flag in the space known as the Patio del Federalismo, and shouted: “The Judicial Branch will not fall!”

Two hours later, at 7:00 p.m., the ordinary evening session was resumed at the alternate headquarters of the Xicoténcatl mansion, protected by hundreds of troopers with shields and metal fences.

The president of the Senate of the Republic, Gerardo Fernández Noroña, upon resuming the session, described the events as an “attempted coup” and said that it was a “violent irruption” of protesters, which prevented the legislative work.

Movimiento Ciudadano Senator, Luis Donaldo Colosio Riojas, reported at 8:00 p.m., that Mexico City police repeatedly prevented him from entering the premises and that Senator Daniel Barrera had not yet appeared, while on social media Juan Zavala, federal deputy, and general secretary of Movimiento Ciudadano (MC), reported that there is a video outside the oral trial courts of Campeche, where the father of the senator from Campeche, the legislator himself and Raúl Arce, coordinator of the deputies in the state Congress, were detained.

“Fernandez Noroña, president of the Senate lied when he said that he had spoken with Senator Barrera, the coordinator of the majority lied when he said that he was in Mexico City… he and his father are in the city of Campeche as political prisoners because they refused to vote against the judicial reform,” Luis Donaldo Colosio Riojas denounced.

San Miguel Times

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