Mexico has a total of 14 Heritage Cities that showcase the cultural wealth of the country.
Mexico follows Spain, France, and Italy in the number of World Heritage sites it offers. However, it is the first place in America to have most of these designations.
To protect and preserve sites with values that humanity must conserve, UNESCO has taken the initiative to award a distinction to cities with the necessary requirements to be considered “World Heritage Cities.”
They contribute with scientific, technological and artistic goods to the world.
Mexico has beautiful cities that are considered a treasure for humanity; they surprise visitors every day with their cultural, historical and archaeological attractions.
Throughout the country, these cities adorn the Mexican territory and proudly carry the recognition of Heritage Cities granted by UNESCO.

The first time a Mexican city was appointed with this recognition was in 1987. The lucky one was Mexico City with its Historical Center, and since then, UNESCO has put its eye on other cities that gathered the requirements to receive such an honor.
San Miguel Times