The León’s Municipal Institute of Planning (Instituto Municipal de Planeación de León), is already working on the preliminary projects and design of eight linear parks, which will be built in the Medina and San Francisco neighborhoods (Polígonos), with the purpose of providing the inhabitants of these neighborhoods, better recreational spaces with excellent illumination and security.
With these eight linear parks, the idea is to urbanize 11.5 kilometers, with the most extensive section located along the “Alfaro” stream, from the “Juan Alonso de Torres” boulevard to “Cofre de Perote” street, which will measure 2.1 kilometers in length.
Carlos Cortés Galván, director of Public Works, declared: “By 2017, once Implan concludes the preliminary projects, we will begin with the preparation of executive projects – which are expected to happen next year – because our goal is to finish the eight parks, before the end of the current administration”.
Cortés Galván continued that: “Each linear park features several attractions, such as green areas for the peaceful and secure family coexistence, and also taking into consideration environmental care and preservation of nature”.
“First, we will recover the streams of “Sardaneta” and “Alfaro”, and once the cleaning of the streams is done, the space around them will be conditioned with a pedestrian boardwalk, cycle path, benches, solar lighting, masonry walls and horizontal signage”.
Cortes Galván concluded: “we seek to rescue the streams, and create recreational spaces in areas that today are sources of pollution and insecurity”.

The Secretariat of Public Work indicated that: the projects will start once the Implan has the blueprints. (Image: