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If you’re looking for an online media that reaches an audience comprised of the most affluent and influential consumers, and that is growing every day, then look no further than San Miguel Times.

More and more people are turning to San Miguel Times as their news and information source for the Guanajuato, and they are staying longer, which means more exposure for your brand.

San Miguel Times receives an average of 120,000 visitors a month from Mexico, The US/Canada and the rest of the world, with an average page view of 2.5 pages per reader and consistently growing with increases month to month at a rate of 5% to 7%.

As many advertisers know, advertising in growing trends yields better results than other mediums not expanding their reach. According to Quantcast, a company that monitors web traffic and trends, San Miguel Times News is the most read news site in English serving Guanajuato.


Each month in 2015 and 2016 we have welcomed an average of 4,500 visitors out of those 2,000 are daily unique visitors to our news site. Since readership takes place in mobile or web which are personal tools, in global numbers, we are more efficient than a printed newspaper since through social networks, our shared content exceeds the “Pass along” average of 3 persons per printed unit.

As an example: Each month we received an average 120,000 visits, out of these, an average of 6,491 interactions. This means about 18 interactions a day with the content, quite more than a regular printed “pass along” which is sharing the paper or magazine. We also have a higher OTS or “Opportunity to See” which is the average number of opportunities that a specific target group has to contact and be exposed to a campaign or advertisement.

Available Ad Space:

“Our ad prices are currently set based on the average monthly income each position generates with ad sales through Google and companies such as Triple Lift

-These banner ads are displayed on our home page-

*All our spaces if bought through Google or other search engines could average a price of $57.76 USD a week, straight with us you can get an specific, segmented audience at a lower price!

Horizontal Superior: 600X90 px – This banner is located on the top of every page on TYT.

Horizontal Medio: 728X90 px: (This banner is currently under a one-year contract).

Skyscrapper: 300X500 px – These sponsor logo banners are displayed on our home page.



-These banner ads are displayed on our indexed internal pages-

Banner Lateral: 300X250 px – This banner is located inside each news story on TYT.

“Footer Ad”: 600X300 px – This is one of our most requested spaces, is located below the notes. It is available to any brand business.



Fullbanner“: 900 X 500 px – This screen size banner pops up for 8 seconds on any page whenever a user access the website.



Advertorial: Advertisement content about a business, brand or product in the style of an editorial or objective journalistic article.

Facts about banner ads on TYT:

  1. All of our banners are visible on computers, tablets or smartphones (iOs, Android).
  2. For an additional fee, San Miguel Times offers a non-competitive policy, meaning your sponsorship of our news site could be the only one in your industry. (i.e. if you are a real estate company your banner will be the only real estate banner on our website)

How do people find our website?

  1. Typically before 10 AM each day we have already welcomed 1,500 visits to our website.
  2. Our second referrer is social media, this includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. We utilize social media networks as referrers to our website.
  3. Google searches represent the 3rd most common referrer of traffic to our website.
  4. Google News represents the 4th most common referrer, we are the only local English language publication that is part of the Google News Network.
  5. Direct traffic is our 5th most common referrer, meaning people typing sanmigueltimes.com directly into their browser.

Send us an email to [email protected] and we will get right back to you immediately!

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News website that serves the English-speaking community in San Miguel with information and advertising services that exceed their expectations.


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