Home Feature The ultimate Yoga experience in San Miguel at 98º F

The ultimate Yoga experience in San Miguel at 98º F

by sanmigueltimes
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“Hot Yoga with Heart” class is unlike any other in San Miguel de Allende. Based upon Bikram Choudhury’s famous system and The Barkan Method, this class is derived from traditional Hatha Yoga and incorporates the practice of asanas, pranayama breathing and meditation.

The room is kept at approximately 36º C/ 98º F in order to prepare your joints and muscles for the ultimate physical/spiritual experience.


Yoga on top of a VW bug (photo: Esencia Yoga)

Hot classes will help you improve strength levels, enhance flexibility, release internal toxins, clear the mind and warm the heart.

Whether you are an absolute beginner or experienced yogi, your mind, body and soul will benefit from regularly practicing this method.


Hot Yoga class (photo: Esencia Yoga)


Bikram Choudhury (photo: facebook)

To find out more about Hot Yoga with Heart classes in SMA click here

Source: Esencia Yoga


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