GUANAJUATO, Gto. (OEM-INFORMEX) .- More than 1.8 million people have attended to the Vatican Museum to admire the exhibition “The hands of the World at the Vatican, from Tradition to Creation, Guanajuato in the Vatican” (Las Manos del Mundo en El Vaticano, de la Tradición a la Creación, Guanajuato en El Vaticano).
According to Guanajuato’s Ministry of Tourism, from July 1 to August 17, this exhibition has achieved 80 percent in sales of these magnificent works of art.
Representing the “GTO Brand”: 15 artisans from Apaseo el Alto, San Miguel de Allende, Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato, León, Salamanca and Tarandacuao have showcased the cultural richness of Guanajuato with 320 pieces elaborated with different materials such as carved wood, ceramics, metalwork and even cardboard, as well as traditional jewelry.
From the opening ceremony on June 30, to July 26, the exhibition sold 50 percent of the pieces exhibited. 10 percent of these artistic works of art, are exhibited in a medium-format display.
During the summer holiday, these elaborated arts & crafts from Guanajuato, have delighted the public with its orginality, and the exhibition will remain open until August 31.
Guanajuato shows its cultural richness in the Vatican, where an average of five million tourists visit every year.