Home Feature EDITORIAL: Prepare To Get What You Voted For

EDITORIAL: Prepare To Get What You Voted For

by sanmigueltimes

The Americans did it… It was not Donald Trump who won, but ignorance, racism, bigotry, intolerance, a man who cares about nothing except for his own benefit. A man who has refused payment to many of those who provided a service for his businesses, bankruptcied multiple times, a man who has no respect for women whatsoever (he likes to grab ´em by the pussy) has been involved in 4,095 lawsuits and is currently facing a very serious charge. The alleged rape of a 13-year-old in 1994. None of that mattered…

Yesterday some of the most traditionally Democratic states SMASHED Clinton. Why? You may ask. Because for the people in these states, Democrats-Hillary Clinton support of NAFTA, — and remember a lie said a thousand times becomes a truth (Nazi principles of propaganda) and it has been said to them in multiple occasions — NAFTA helped to destroy the industrial states of the Upper Midwest. That is why Trump stood in front of people and threatened a Ford Motor factory during the Michigan primary, saying if they went ahead with their planned closure of that factory and move it to Mexico, he would place a 35% tax on any Mexican-built cars shipped back to the United States. Music to the ears of a working class who feels their economy shattered, struggling on a day to day basis, angry, disillusioned, some without work, but specially, feel lied and abandoned by the Democrats… and Hillary Clinton represents everything wrong with “America”. But let´s not stop there, let´s talk about the “Angry White People” who feel their country is being taken over by people who don´t even speak “American”, taken over by the “gays and lesbos”, “the browns, the blacks, the yellow… and women” -OH MY SWEET GOD… HOW DID THAT HAPPEN!!!- Power and control of things just… slipped away. A Mexican or black family, moves across the street of some fancy stereotypical area and the expression surges… “There goes the neighborhood”. Law enforcement numbers show how hate crime has risen since the beginning of the campaigns, and something that had been improving, has deteriorated once again… it will continue to do so. These “angry” people do NOT want a woman or minority in the White House, I have actually heard — it was said to my face — “First a black-arab president, a woman after???? God forbids… What´s gonna be next… a fag?” –


The Democrats failed, they failed the minute Hillary Clinton was selected to represent the party. Why? According to statistics presented by multiple US media outlets, nearly 62% of voters thought she was untrustworthy and dishonest. For them she represents the establishment, the “Corporate America” the dirty old way of politics and whether this is real or not, in marketing we say, “perception equals reality”.

In conclusion, after spending most of my professional years in the marketing research area I have become convinced people lie to the polls… The political survey companies are doomed unless they find a way to gather data in a better way. Both quantitative and qualitative, since thousands, perhaps millions are “anti establishment” closet rebels and once they are alone in the voting booth, one of the last bastions of privacy, where big brother is not watching you, you can vote for whoever the hell you want. Hell, a friend of mine in Pennsylvania yesterday voted for “Cantinflas” the Mexican comedian. There are no rules and Americans, like many Mexicans are angry, mad, frustrated toward a filthy, corrupted, broken political system, millions voted for Trump not because they agree with him, not because they like his intolerance, racism or ego, but because they couldJust because things aren’t happening the way they feel it should, because they think it´s time for something “different” to happen… And Trump is different alright. The same phenomena of when people decided to have “Terminator” as their governor… remember? People in California didn’t do it because Arnold was an outstanding politician, a statesman… Nope, They did it because they could, because Americans love a great spectacle… And Arnold was the king of that… just like now Trump is about to give one hell of a show. To this day he has offered an austere, to say the least, assessment of the U.S. economy and other subjects than giving great television amusement and pontificate about how great he is in everything.

Trump did not win the presidency of the United States, but ignorance, and I would like to use the words of Simon Bolivar:

“An ignorant people is the blind instrument of its own destruction; ambition and intrigue take advantage of the credulity and inexperience of men [and women] who have no political, economic or civil knowledge. They mistake pure illusion for reality, license for freedom, treason for patriotism, vengeance for justice”.

Those who voted for Donald Trump are now trapped by the demagoguery of a bad TV reality show “star” so prepare to get exactly what you voted for.

Do you know the word “Megalomania”? It´s a condition or mental illness that causes people to think that they have great or unlimited power or importance”.

Guess what… you put one just like that in the White House, and he will have the nuclear keys and codes.

José Eugenio Urioste Palomeque
[email protected]


Snakes and ladders

Snakes and Ladders is a column by José E. Urioste, The Yucatan Times CEO and a Business Intelligence professional in the area of Research and Development. He began his training process in mass media writing scripts for radio programs, commercials and advertising campaigns and has contribuited with newspapers, magazines and other media in general on various topics ranging from the professional to the editorial. José is the author of various fiction novels that have been presented in numerous literary forums causing much controversy as to their content.

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