Home Guanajuato State Guanajuato’s female population in the top ten of alcohol consumption index

Guanajuato’s female population in the top ten of alcohol consumption index

by sanmigueltimes
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The women of Guanajuato consume high amounts of alcohol in averaage, incurring in cases of intoxication and resulting in liver disease.

According to www.unionguanajuato.mx, and based on data from the “Anuario de Morbilidad de la Dirección General de Epidemiología” (Morbidity Yearbook of the General Directorate of Epidemiology), the average of alcohol related intoxications’ incidence is: 17.47 cases per 100 thousand female inhabitants in the state of Guanajuato.

While the national average is: 13.18 cases of alcohol intoxication per 100,000 women.


The “acute alcohol intoxication syndrome” is defined as the clinical condition produced by the consumption of intoxicating alcoholic beverages in an abrupt manner and in amounts greater than the tolerance of each individual.

Regarding the age ranges, Guanajuato’s women from 20 to 24 years old are the most inebriated with an incidence of 36.45 cases of intoxication per 100 thousand individuals; and women aged from 15 to 19 with an incidence of 32.96 per 100 thousand individuals.

Guanajuato is ranked on the ten top list of states with the highest incidence of alcohol intoxication in women, which is headed by Yucatan, followed by Nayarit, Sinaloa, Jalisco, Campeche, Colima, Guanajuato, Sonora, Tamaulipas and Aguascalientes.

In this regard, the Yucatecan women are placed first at a national level, with 119.87 cases of alcohol intoxication per 100 thousand inhabitants of the female population.

Source: http://www.unionguanajuato.mx/

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