According to state authorities, a Human Milk Bank (LACTARIUM) along with the Regional Reproductive Care Center (CRAISAR) will be built in Irapuato with an investment of 12.3 million pesos (615 thousand USD).
The Undersecretary of Programming and Administration, Jose Luis Meza Garcia said that a national public tender for the assignment of the construction work was launched on Wednesday November 16, and the ruling will be announced on Friday December 9.
The state official highlighted the importance of the efforts being made to improve the infrastructure of public health agencies, for the benefit of the people of Guanajuatano, who will have access to high quality specialized services.
He explained that the purpose of the Reproductive Health Center is to reduce maternal, fetal and neonatal deaths, as well as to provide the necessary training in order to have the capacity to support women during pregnancy and after the birth of their children.
As for the milk bank, he explained that this will be an important advance in the fields of education, research, information and counseling for those who want to know more about breastfeeding and its importance in infant development.
In that sense, he mentioned that the Human Milk Bank will be part of the Regional Center for Integral Care in Reproductive Health, and the place is conceived to collect, analyze, store, conserve and supply breast milk.
The milk bank will be located on the ground floor  and the Regional Center in Reproductive Health will be located in the upper level, both will share a common lobby that will simultaneously function as general access and will be communicated through a staircase and an elevator “, continued the official.
After announcing the details of the construction and the goals to be met with LACTARIUM and CRAISAR, Meza GarcÃa stated the construction work will be finished approximatelly in ten months.
Finally, Jose Luis Meza Garcia pointed out that this is an example of the will of the state government to provide the inhabitants of Guanajuato with world-class infrastructure that will contribute to improve the people’s quality of life.