On January 27 President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order that placed a stay on refugees from seven Muslim-majority countries. Entrance of refugees from Syria, however, will be banned for the next 120 days.
Two days prior to that, he committed the United States to building a wall on its border with Mexico. Soon after the order, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto canceled an upcoming trip to the United States.
President Trump has also proposed that Mexican goods be taxed at the rate of 20 percent to provide funds for building the wall. This would fulfill his campaign promise that Mexico would actually pay for the wall’s construction, in spite of America’s southern neighbor’s protests.

In Photo: Protesters carry signs and chant in Lafayette Park near the White House during a demonstration to denounce President Donald J. Trump’s executive order that bars citizens of seven predominantly Muslim-majority countries from entering the US on January 29 in Washington.
For Christians, the questions about building the border wall or permitting immigrants and refugees into the United States involve a host of associated considerations not just about the specifics of immigration law, the economics of cheap labor coming across the border or potential terrorist threats.
At issue are both broader and deeper questions about what it means to welcome the stranger.
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