In the municipality of San Miguel de Allende there are 12 elementary schools that reach the level of excellence, according to the educational measurement system proposed by the platform known as “Mejora tu Escuela”  (Improve your school).
“Mejora tu Escuela” is a citizen platform that allows people to know which are the best schools according to the results of the PLANEA Test.
Based on the results of PLANEA, “Mejora tu Escuela” offers an “Educational Traffic Light” (“Semáforo Educativo” measurement system) in which the schools that obtained better results are shown.
In green color are the educational institutions with an “Excellent” grade; in yellow, the schools graded as “Good “; and in orange are the ones rated as “Failed”.
When doing a search in the schools located in San Miguel de Allende there are 12 primary schools in the green zone.
Among the best schools in San Miguel de Allende, eight are public and four are private schools.