Home Food & Drink Fifth edition of “Vendimias” coming to Guanajuato this month!

Fifth edition of “Vendimias” coming to Guanajuato this month!

by sanmigueltimes
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From August 12 to September 9 around eight wineries in Guanajuato will harvest their vintages in the municipalities of San Miguel de Allende, Dolores Hidalgo, San Felipe and San Francisco del Rincón, for which winemakers and the state government are expecting at least seven thousand visitors that will leave an economic spill of approximately 19 million pesos (1.1 million USD).

In a press conference, businessmen from the wine sector in the state and a spokesperson from the Ministry of Tourism reported that in this fifth edition of the “Vendimias” (grape harvest), other vineyards of the state with a long history have joined the event for the first time, such is the case of “El Lobo” wine products and spirits.

Tourism Secretary Fernando Olivera Rocha commented that winemaking activity has grown significantly, considering that five years ago there were only 60 hectares of grape cultivation, while today we are talking of 350 hectares and 30 independent wineries.


Ramón Velez, owner of the “Cuna de Tierra” winery said: “Vendimia” means to harvest, it means to be thankful with the weather, with the kindness of the land and of course, with the community that has worked shoulder to shoulder with us in this fantastic journey”.

In addition, as part of these events, for the first time the regional edition of Mexico Selection will be held in our country, in order to select the wie that will represent Mexico in the World Competition in Brussels that will take place this year. The competition will be held from August 31 to September 2 at the Dolores Hidalgo Wine Museum.

Save the date:
+ August 12 Caminos D’Vinos will open the festival of the Vendimia.
+26 August the Cuna de Tierra winery will hold its seventh annual harvest.
+26 August the Toyán winery will also celebrate its vintage in San Miguel de Allende.
+2 September Hacienda San José Lavista will carry out the harvest this year.
+2 September, the Octágono winery will realize its first vintage
+9 September the Dos Búhos winery will have its vintage.
+ September 9 Wine and liquor products El Lobo will make its traditional vintage.
+ Throughout the month the Bernal winery will offer tours to its vineyards in three different packages.

Source: http://www.elfinanciero.com.mx/

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