An ex-official from the Guanajuato Tourism Secretariat used a study that the same state agency paid and presented it as his master’s thesis in Social Assessment of Projects at the Autonomous University of Guadalajara in November 2015, according to the Guanajuato based newspaper AM de León.
According to information from Animal Político, the study plagiarized by Omar Murillo, who served as director of Projects of the State Secretariat of Tourism, is titled “Cost Benefit Analysis of a cable car from the Guanajuato Bicentennial Park to the Cubilete hill” (“Análisis costo beneficio de la realización de un teleférico del parque Guanajuato Bicentenario al Cerro del Cubilete”), a study for which the state secretariat of tourism paid one million pesos.

Omar Murillo former Tourism Secretariat official who plagiarized government property study (Photo: AM Leon)
“The content and title of the study, the photographs, the illustrations, graphics and even the number of pages are exactly the same. The only difference is the author’s name and the date of publication”, says AM de León.
Omar Murillo obtained a master’s degree in Social Evaluation of Projects at the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara, in November 2015, with the thesis titled “Cost Benefit Analysis of a cable car from the Guanajuato Bicentennial Park to the Cubilete hill” (Análisis costo beneficio de la realización de un teleférico del parque Guanajuato Bicentenario al Cerro del Cubilete”), which shows that he didn’t even bother to change the original title.
As he was questioned about this irregular situation, Guanajuato Tourism Secretary Fernando Olivera Rocha stated that Omar Murillo was not allowed to use the study as his thesis to obtain mastership.
“An investment from a government study does not have any transfer of ownership, on the contrary, the government owns that content, which should not have been used under any circumstances for any other purpose,” said Olivera.
According to AM de León, state tourism ministry spokesman Enrique Rivera added that they will file a complaint for the plagiarism of the document.
Omar Murillo left the Ministry of Tourism three months ago because of an accusation of sexual harassment against him, the complaint was filed by one of his coworkers, but the outcome is not yet known.