Marita Kelly, collaborator with states that in Mexico & other Latin American countries, the lower cost of living allows U.S. citizens to retire earlier, while maintaining a comfortable lifestyle with access to the goods and services they’re accustomed to.
A new report from the editors at explores how U.S. citizens are retiring early – as young as their 30s – with a move overseas. In locales where the cost of living is lower than in the United States – yet the healthcare and quality of life are world-class – people can stop working years earlier than expected, a trend noted by IL’s correspondents around the world.
“Our correspondents on the ground have noticed more younger expats refusing to postpone retirement-opting, instead, to retire early overseas in places where the cost of living is a small fraction of what it is in the States or Canada,” says IL Executive Editor, Jennifer Stevens.
“We’re seeing younger people at our live events, exploring their retire-early options in person ahead of a move. And our editors and correspondents based around the world report they’re running into more folks on the ground, too, who have decided to retire years early overseas.
“The average American hasn’t saved nearly enough for a comfortable retirement Stateside,” Stevens says. “Conventional wisdom says: Work longer, save more, and lower your expectations for retirement. But in the right places overseas, you don’t have to do any of that. If you slash your cost of living by half (or more) – you can retire years earlier than you expected. And most folks who’ve done it say they live better than they ever did back home.”
According to the report, the majority of these early retirees can be found in Latin American countries, where the lower cost of living allows U.S. citizens to retire earlier, while still maintaining a comfortable lifestyle with access to the sort of goods and services they’re already accustomed to, including high-quality healthcare.
Click here for full article on Banderas News