Home Headlines 62 year old San Miguel foreign resident assaulted while walking her dog

62 year old San Miguel foreign resident assaulted while walking her dog

by sanmigueltimes
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According to Periódico Correo and News San Miguel, on Wednesday Sep. 19, a foreign resident of San Miguel de Allende was assaulted and robbed at the Origel soccer fields, near Colonia Mexiquito. Two men attacked her while she was walking her dog.

The fact was confirmed by the municipal government; The 911 Emergency Call Center received the call, reporting a person with injuries, in a vacant lot right next to the Origel soccer fields.

Municipal police officers accompanied by paramedics from the Red Cross and staff from Civil Protection attended the call. In her statement the 62-year-old woman declared that she entered the hillside to walk her dog, when two men, whom she described as young, apparently under the influence of some drug, snatched her bag and then beat her up.

The paramedics provided the victim with pre-hospital care and transferred her to San Miguel’s General Hospital, where doctors performed the corresponding medical exams. The ministerial authorities said they will provide psychological help for the victim to overcome the situation.

Origel Soccer Fields in San Miguel de Allende (Photo: Google)

Origel Soccer Fields in San Miguel de Allende (Photo: Google)

Municipal police officers conducted an exhaustive search operation in the area, but failed to find the attackers and helped the Public Ministry to resolve the case.

Until now, no arrests have been made in relation to this coward attack against a 62 year-old woman.


SMT Newsroom with information from Periódico Correo and News San Miguel

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