Home Headlines Top 6 Qualities of A Good Tutor

Top 6 Qualities of A Good Tutor

by sanmigueltimes
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A tutor comes from a word called tuition. Tuition means to take guidance from some experts in your academic studies. Teaching is no doubt a very responsible and sensitive task. Teachers are the role models for their students.

Same as are the tutors. Tutors are kind of private teachers who give you extra time and efforts apart from your school or college time to refine your academic skills more. Sometimes it happens that students have some confusion in their regular academic studies and they find it a bit harder to make it clear from their teachers. So, they go for tuitions to get extra time from the tutors.

It is essential for a tutor to improve the teaching skills that can bring a big difference in the life of a student. In order to find a good tutor, the certifications and experiences don’t matter only. The personality traits should also be taken into consideration.

A successful tutor is one who has strong command on the subject he is teaching and making the students to clear their concepts so that he can ensure that the student is learning well and is capable of achieving his goals. Here we are going to talk about 6 must have qualities of a good tutor that can change the life of a student.

1.  A Good Tutor Builds A Strong Relationship with The Student

An upright tutor gets the opportunity to spend more time with his student, and this is where the huge difference between the teacher and tutor lies. It is the role of a tutor to build a strong relationship with the student. The tutor usually gives classes to a small group so he can pay attention to every student individually. In this way, he gets a number of opportunities to get to know about the student and understand his strong and weak points.

A student can share the problems he is facing in studies only when he gets comfortable. An understanding tutor can develop confidence in the student so he can share his problems with him comfortably. He can then spend time listening to his students which is no doubt, a best to personalize the learning of the students.

The tutor becomes more capable of maximizing the potential of the student when there is a strong personal relationship between the student and teacher.

2.  A Good Tutor Is Consistent and Fair in His Job:

A good tutor has a great potential to create a positive learning environment where the can learn with their full potential. Each day, the students should be able to know what to expect. A good tutor is always is consistent that consequently increases the likelihood of student’s success in studies. When the tutor is consistent, it becomes easier for the student to adapt themselves to him.

The tutor changing his behavior regularly makes it hard for the students to change themselves according to him. As a matter of fact, the students greatly dislike the behavior of the teacher that constantly changes. A good tutor always sets some rules and then sticks to them.

In order to be a good tutor, one should be able to make a distinction between the fairness and consistent. A consistent tutor always remains the same person in day to day work, and the fair tutor treats his students equally in all the situations.

A professional tutor should always do his own evaluation to see if he is fair and consistent in his dealings with the students or not. For this, a tutor should try to develop a learning environment that understands the learning needs of the students.  There should be a standard of behavior set by the tutor that every student tries to achieve. The learning environment can easily be developed by increasing the instructional time.

Tutor (123rf.com)

Tutor (123rf.com)

3.  A Good Tutor Is Patient and Adaptive

It is very important for a tutor to bring flexibility in the personality. The tutors who have flexibility and patience in their personality are more capable of developing the personality of their students. The flexibility in behaviour means showing your willingness to change yourself according to the situation in order to meet the individual requirements of the student. The tutor can make adjustments in his teaching techniques according to the situation.

Another key aspect that a tutor must develop is patience. A patient tutor is always capable of understanding that some subjects need more time to be learned. There are some subjects that are complex, and students are slower in learning them.

A good tutor never gets annoyed when the student does not show the desired outcomes. He makes more time for such subjects in order to ensure that the student is developing skills to learn and show their keen interest in those subjects.

4.  A Good Tutor Always Has High Expectations

No matter it is a teacher or a tutor, the expectations from students are always high. As a matter of fact, a good and effective teacher always has high expectations. Having high expectations means to let the student know there is a lot more to achieve. There should be a specific level of expectations that should be set by the tutor, and the students should know that they are required to reach that level.

This also gives the student a sense of confidence. Here, the tutor always knows about the realistic goals that should be set for the students. Having high expectations always makes the student learn and achieve the objectives they have set in their lives.

A good tutor does not only keep the level of academic expectations high, but he also puts efforts to make the students reach that level. He always prepares the teaching content in such a way that it can be aligned to that teaching method or the standards which can be developed on the prior knowledge of the student about the subject.

In this way, an appropriate level of challenge can be provided to students.  In order to ensure the effective learning of the student, the tutor prepares the instructional content in such a way that it can keep the students engaged with the lesson and also assess and monitor the performance of the students more appropriately.

5.  A Good Tutor Has A Positive Attitude

Regardless of the stage of life, you are at; you always need a positive attitude in order to be successful. A tutor faces a lot of problems in his profession. An effective tutor is always capable of coping with all those problems effectively. For example, there are many tough students who are very rigid and never show a willingness to learn anything.

A tutor with his positive attitude can handle such students. A professional tutor does not only develop a positive attitude but tries to develop the right attitude needed to handle a particular situation without impacting the student negatively.

The positive attitude of the tutor is not just beneficial for the tutor. A student can also learn a lot from this behavior and can know how to face the challenges bravely. This attitude should be communicated with the parents of the students so that they can also adopt the same behavior in order to ensure the academic success of the student.

6.  A Good Tutor Meets the Needs of The Student

A student is in need to go for a tutor because he has specific needs to be fulfilled. Perhaps he wants individual attention, or he wants some points to be cleared more appropriately. The tutor can play his role to fulfill those needs that have compelled him to approach the tutor. It is not the job of a tutor to make the students feel unhappy in any case. Sometimes, the tutor is not able to meet the needs of the students that make the students dissatisfied about what they are getting tuition about.

A good tutor always tailors his lesson to the needs of the students so that he can solve everything from easier to difficult.

It is the job of the tutor to make every lesson easy for the student. Before moving to the next chapter, the tutor shows the appreciation for the student and makes sure that the student is encouraged well before moving to the next chapter. In this way, the success of the student in achieving academic goals is ensured.

The Bottom Line

A good tutor always ensures the progress of the student in studies. The basic objective of a tutor is to increase the potential of the student and encourage him as much possible. You can find the best tutors in different states of USA. California, New York, Washington, and Torrance Tutor are working with their full potential to provide such tutoring services that match the needs of the child.

The qualities mentioned above should be sought while looking for the tutor. Moreover, the teaching experience, as well as personality characteristics, should be taken into consideration in order to get the best tutor.

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