Guanajuato.- On Monday Feb. 11th, around 7:30 AM, a man was executed near Barrio Nuevo, in the capital city of Guanajuato, when he was taking his son to school. The young man was also seriously wounded.
The first reports indicate that 35-year-old Eduardo González was taking his 15 year old son to school in a yellow Sedan car, when a van stopped beside them and the occupants opened fire against the victim’s vehicle, the man lost control of the car and crashed against a wall and a light pole.
The assailants fled the scene at full speed towards the neighborhood of San Luisito. Gonzalez died on site, and his 15-year-old son was taken to the emergency room of a local hospital.
Agents of the Preventive Police, State Urban Police and the Public Ministry arrived on site, cordoned off the area, and initiated the corresponding investigations. Absolutely no arrests have been made so far in relation with this murder.

SMT Newsroom with information from Periodico Correo