At group of 30 to 40 people demonstrated outside the municipal presidency of León, Guanajuato, demanding to stop the sale of animals in the local tianguis (flea markets), and other unauthorized places.
“It seems like authorities are not capable of stopping the people selling puppies all over town, or maybe they just don’t care! ” said one of the protesters.
Demonstrators also pointed out that one “pay and neuter” unit is not enough to carry out the sterilization campaigns for dogs and cats, so they asked for more of these units to be open, in order to crate awareness and reduce the numbers of stray dogs and cats on the city streets.

The protesters argued that there are many tianguis in which the sale of animals is just habitual, such as the Línea de Fuego, Baratillo and La Pulga, as well as in the neighborhood of San Miguel.
Some of the demonstrators were asking for an appointment with the mayor of León; in order to demand sufficient medicines, food and other supplies as well as a larger economic budget for the León’s Animal Rescue and Control Center (Centro de Control y Rescate Animal: CCBA).
SMT Newsroom with information from periodicocorreo