Come and live a great dining experience in a wonderful family atmosphere surrounded by an extraordinary environment at beautiful Casa de Aves.
Enjoy different tasty and elaborated lamb meat dishes prepared by some of the most recognized restaurants in #SanMigueldeAllende and combine them with Mezcal, so you can discover the ideal marriage of Lamb & Mezcal.
We will have more than 40 stands where you will find wines, beers, crafts and of course Lamb & Mezcal.

Children under 15 years free admission.
? $ 500 pesos pre-sale.
? $ 600 pesos at the box office.
? Saturday June 8, 2019.
? Hotel Casa de Aves.
This festival with cause supports organizations such as Food Bank San Miguel de Allende A.C. / Patronato Pro Niños of San Miguel de Allende, A.C. / #Bomberos de #SanMigueldeAllende Fire Academy in San Miguel Allende GTO
San Miguel Times Newsroom