Check out the schedule of Concerts and Processions in Valle de Maiz
Thursday, May 23, 8PM
Friday, May 24, 7, 9 and 11 PM
Saturday, May 25, 6PM
Sunday 26, 8PM
Monday 27, 8PM
Tuesday 28, 8 PM (clowns at 6 PM)
Wednesday 29, 7, 8:15 and 9:15
Friday, June 31st, 5PM procession
Sat. June 1st, 7PM procession and performances at 8PM
All day Sunday.

Starting Thursday, May 23rd through Sunday June 2nd expect daily live music concerts in Valle de Maiz to wrap up the month-long celebrations for the sacred cross.
On Friday the 31st there is procession around the area featuring music and dancing. The big event is the procession Saturday, June 1st at 7PM followed at 8 PM by dance presentations.