The international tourist guide Fodor’s Travel , recognized the Museum of the Mummies of Guanajuato among the best in the world for that type of exhibitions.
Audrey Farnsworth, noted in the article entitled “Unexpected places where you will find mummies” that the Guanajuato Mummies museums features one of the largest collections of natural mummies in the world (due to the climate and soil, the mummies are extremely well preserved).

The mummies of this enclosure emerged during an outbreak of cholera in the 19th century, and the first mummy was exhibited back in 1865.
Some of the mummies still have parts of their clothes on, and the museum is also known for hosting the smallest mummy in the world.

Information released by Guanajuato Municipal Treasury, indicates that in the last week of December 2018, the mummies received the visit of 28,284 people, which resulted in a collection of 2 million pesos in a six day period (from 24 to 30 December last year).
“Of the total of these visits in that period, only 44 people were residents of the capital of Guanajuato, while the rest were national and foreign tourists”, the municipal government said in a statement.
While during the holiday period last summer, the museum was able to collect a total of 6,636,319 pesos.
Other places that were awrded by international Fodor’s Travel in that category, are the Houston Museum of Natural Sciences, the Cairo Museum and the Capuchin Crypt of Italy.
Fodor’s Travel