Who wouldn’t love a house on the beach? Waking up to the sounds of the ocean and watching it change its hues as the day goes on, escaping modern day madness in a haven like that is a dream come true. Just imagine all the memories you could create in a place like that… if you pick the proper one, that is.
Before you even consider an investment of the kind, you should be aware of all the realities involved in the purchase. If you fail to consider the aspects of owning a coastal house, taking no precautions about the important ones can pretty much turn your experience into a nightmare. Let’s take a look at what you’d better do before you sign that contract.
Check Out The Location
If you are not familiar with the area, the most important first step in your research is getting to know the location where you are considering purchasing the property, experts on homes for sale in Seaside CA would advise you. Learn about land particularities and talk to your future neighbors. Judge how convenient the location is in terms of your daily activities and work commute. Consider distances, public transport availability, the presence of shops and other facilities you will visit frequently.
Ask yourself the questions about access to hospitals, banks, grocery stores, social events you enjoy, as well as the average time it would take you to reach each. Is it a quick walk away or half an hour drive in each direction? How important or necessary each item is, and could you put up with an inconvenience, in case there is such? Review all aspects that matter to you personally before you proceed with anything else.

Don’t Run From The Neighbors
Do not underestimate the importance of neighbors, as they are the ones who are likely to show you around. And, especially if you are a parent, you will want your children to have playmates, so do find out whether there are families with offspring around your children’s age. You will not regret that step later.
Try to avoid both overcrowded areas and remote ones that are difficult to reach. The former would mean party people not letting you have your rest, playing loud music into the small hours of the night. Distant, far-off locations do provide the seclusion you are looking for but may turn out to be a real nightmare in cases of emergency and natural disasters, as help is often quite far away, and it is difficult to react in a timely manner. You’d better steer clear of the types of neighborhood described at https://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/my-money/2011/06/17/how-to-spot-bad-neighbors-when-buying-a-house. Try to strike a balance between achieving peace and quiet and having access to the city or town facilities, such as shops, drugstores and hospitals.

Find A Local Real Estate Agent
Probably the best idea is having a friend recommend a realtor they were happy with. But even if you do not have that option, make sure you hire a local who is familiar with every aspect of the area, both during and off-season. This is especially important if you intend to use the house throughout the year, as more often than not many seaside businesses tend to close after Labor Day. A good real estate agent should inform you of these patterns, as well as the weather peculiarities of the area.
Check important facts such as when was the list time there was a storm, how big were the damages caused by it and what parts of the area were more affected than others. Check news reports and ask around in order to avoid mistakes such as the ones mentioned here. Your potential future neighbors will once again be able to tell you what your realtor doesn’t.
Have Your Future Home Inspected
Making the decision whether to buy a coastal home or not should always come after an expert inspection. An inspector will always be able to tell when the signs of wear and tear have come from age, and when they were caused by natural phenomena and exposure to bad weather. The greatest concern with seaside properties are floods, as they affect every aspect of a home – foundations, electrical systems, wooden structures, etc.
The best thing to do if you detect signs of flooding is move on in your search for a property, as there is literally no positive aspect that would make up for the problems and losses you would face in the future by purchasing a home that has been and is likely to get flooded again. Another option would be to bring in contractors who will raise your home level, but you should judge whether such an investment is worth making.
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