Did you know that Mexican cuisine is a fusion of indigenous Mesoamerican and European cooking, added after the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire in the 16th Century?
Living in San Miguel is a blessing in many ways and one of those blessings is Mexican cuisine. We can go out to eat whatever we want, but we can also learn to prepare our own Mexican Pre-Hispanic and traditional Mexican cuisine.
Where in SMA can we buy good meat, vegetables, and organic products? San Miguel has many stores, markets and farms.
What is available?
The Midday Rotary Club of San Miguel de Allende welcomes international chef David Jahnke who will discuss food shopping at our local markets (La Placita, Ignacio Ramirez, Juan de Dios Market, TOSMA and Mercado Sano).
He will also discuss how our shopping in these local sources supports our economy and the efforts of our indigenous citizens, especially women. What about Montezuma’s revenge and other bad things that might be lurking in our food? Chef David will let us know where to find safe sources of food and how to clean and prepare the food safely.
Chef David Jahnke is a licensed professional who has taught food science in US and Mexico He is also a consultant for the government office of Tourism, for associations which help people in need, for children with disabilities or with cancer, for associations of Mexican farmers and for the food industry in Mexico.
His cooking school was recognized as the best traveler-rated cooking school Mexico by TripAdvisor. Please join us for this interesting and informative presentation by one of the area’s more prominent chefs on Tuesday, March 17th, as the Midday Rotary Club presents Eat Well in SMA with Chef David Jahnke.
Our meeting begins at 9:30 AM promptly at Los Arcos on Stirling Dickinson #28. Rotary is where neighbors, friends, and problem-solvers share ideas, join leaders, and take action to create lasting change.
For more information, contact President Gary Peterson at gpeterson41@gmail.com